
Get started using the Research Analysis Platform.


Follow these instructions to create a Research Analysis Platform account, access the Platform, and connect your account to the UK Biobank Access Management System.

Access UK Biobank Data

On the Research Analysis Platform, you'll be able to work with UK Biobank data from data-fields associated with your approved access application. To access this data, start by creating a project and having the data dispensed to this project.

Data dispensal can take over an hour, or even longer, in some cases. You can monitor the process by going back to the project list, where you can see the project status, including what percentage of the data has been populated.


To collaborate with colleagues who are named on the same approved access application, add them as members to the project associated with this application.

Billing and Costs

Each account has an initial credit of £40 toward usage charges. Before depleting this credit, follow these instructions to set up billing for the account, in order to continue using the Platform.

Getting Help

Contact the Research Analysis Support team for help with accessing and using the Platform.

UKB Community Site

The UK Biobank Community site gives Platform users a forum to share what you've learned and done on the Platform, and learn from one another.

Last updated